“Leap, and the net will appear.”

– John Burroughs


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Discover Connection

“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” – Lao Tzu

You do everything right, yet it always feels wrong.
You want to get ahead, but feel constantly behind.
You crave love, connection, a sense of belonging… yet feel desperately alone.
You want to say yes, you default to no.
Someone promised you wings, and now you’re in free fall.

How did it get like this?


What the heck is a ‘Reinventor’ anyway?

We’ve been taught many useful things – skills, beliefs, values. Along the way, we’ve also learned many negatives – most of which are hard to see.  As a result, we spend years wondering when – or if – life is going to get better. What is harder to see is how our problems share one common element:

Us. Or more specifically, our thinking.

The good news is that we have the power to change all that. That’s where I come in.

I call myself a ‘Reinventor.’ I support people who feel lost, lonely, stuck in achieving connection. I do this by creating strategies. I’d like to help you too.

“Change the self – change the world.”


















Am I ready for THIS?

You’re ready if you want a better life. Because where you’re at is no longer working for you.

You’re ready for better relationships in your life… starting with yourself.
You’re ready to recognize and capitalize on your strengths.
You’re ready to define your goals, make a plan and implement the plan.
You’re ready to become a more confident, successful, and loving version of yourself.

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